It’s been four weeks now since I had my knee replaced with a
brand new one and I can assure you it looks nothing like this picture. It's not a
pretty sight! The surgery itself wasn’t too bad – I had an epidural with a
tranquiliser so I don’t remember too much about it. I was in hospital a day
longer than expected and so wasn’t discharged until the Tuesday. I’m
progressing well with recovering from the surgery and can now walk round the
house without using even one crutch. What I haven’t been prepared for is that
my brain has turned to mush! I can’t seem to concentrate on anything for too
long and I’m tired all the time. As for writing, forget it! It’s taking me all
my time to string a sentence together let alone get back to writing.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, during the second week in
August, I am booked to do an important author talk to Horwich Heritage, a civic
society based in Horwich, Lancashire, where my novel ‘A Suitable Young Man’ is
set. I desperately need to write my talk up but how can I do that with a mushy
brain? Quite honestly, the whole thing terrifies me and I wish I’d never agreed
to do it. I shall do it, of course, as it’s an ideal opportunity to hopefully
sell some paperbacks.
Shortly after the surgery, I had booked a stall at the
Bolsover Gala Day but, of course, wasn’t in any fit state to do it. Instead, my
son and his girlfriend did it for me. Unfortunately, they only sold four paperback
copies but at least that covered the cost of the stall so I recouped my
expenditure. However, he was asked by someone from the local Women’s Institute
if I gave talks so he gave the lady concerned my phone number. Haven’t heard
anything from her yet but it’s early days and they probably have all their
speakers booked for this year.
The summer seems to be passing by without much impact on my
life and before we know it, autumn will be upon us. At least there’s our annual
holiday to look forward to in early September.
That’s enough moaning now! Just get on with it! It's called life!